Bronze Medallion & Bronze Cross Combo

$485 | $600 with Standard First Aid (SFA)
Various Formats Available | SFA Adds 2 Days
1. Minimum 13 years of age (unless holding Bronze Star)
2. SFA (Standard First Aid) or EFA (Emergency First Aid)
Don't have first aid? Sign up for Bronze Medallion & Cross with SFA
Course Description
The Bronze Medallion & Cross combo course is ideal for candidates who would like to take the fastest route to obtaining their Bronze Cross or for those who are looking to complete the first two levels of their Lifeguarding certifications in one compact course. This course is recommended to candidates who have a strong background in swimming. Candidates who do not hold a First Aid award must register for the course combined with Standard First Aid (SFA).
Hours & Registration
Bronze Cross

$230 | $340 with Standard First Aid (SFA)
Various Formats Available | SFA Adds 2 Days
1. Bronze Medallion
2. SFA (Standard First Aid) or EFA (Emergency First Aid)
Don't have first aid? Sign up for Bronze Cross with SFA
Course Description
The Bronze Cross course is designed for candidates who would like to advance their lifesaving skills and learn safe supervision in aquatic facilities. This certificate is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs including our National Lifeguard and Instructor certification courses. We recommend participants who are interested in moving onto their next step to combine this course with Standard First Aid & CPR C.
Hours & Registration
Bronze Medallion

$230 | $305 with Emergency First Aid (EFA)
Various Formats Available | EFA Adds 1 Day
13 years of age (unless holding Bronze Star)
Planning on taking Bronze Cross next? Sign up for Bronze Medallion with EFA
Course Description
The Bronze Medallion course allows candidates to develop an understanding of the 4 components of water-rescue education in lifesaving principles. We recommend participants who are interested in moving onto their next step to combine this course with Emergency First Aid & CPR B.
Hours & Registration
Bronze Cross Recertification

8.5 hours
Previous full Bronze Cross Certification
Course Description
The Bronze recertification course is offered to candidates who are in need of recertifying their Bronze Cross certification for work purposes. The recertification exam will consist of physicals, a short review and rescues. Please keep in mind that your Bronze certification does not have to be current in order to move onto the National Lifeguard level.
Hours & Registration