Code of Conduct
Lifeguarding Academy is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all of our students and our staff. To ensure safety and comfort for all, we ask all individuals to conduct themselves in a manner that contributes positively to an environment in which respect, civility, diversity, opportunity and inclusiveness are valued, so as to assure the success of both the individual and all other students.
We expect all persons attending our programs to behave in a mature and responsible manner and to respect the rights and dignity of others. Our Code of Conduct does not permit language or action that can hurt or frighten another person or falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct.
See below for a list of expectations for students and staff.
What is Expected of Students
- Students are expected to show up to class on time & be prepared with any pre-assigned homework.
- Actively participate in the learning activities.
- Refrain from hurtful behaviour or language.
- Demonstrate respect for themselves, others and those in authority.
- Behave in a responsible manner.
- Refrain from bringing anything to their course that may compromise the safety of others.
- Not be in the possession of, or under the influence of, or provide others with alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs.
- Refrain from the use of angry and/or vulgar language including swearing, name-calling and shouting.
- Wear appropriate attire. Attire must include swimsuits only in the pool area; sneakers, shorts and shirt or leotard in other areas of the facility. Clothing with vulgar or profane writing or pictures is not allowed.
- Students are expected to conduct themselves respectfully in all digital interactions
- Students must use Lifeguarding Academy provided equipment responsibly and follow instructor guidance for its care and use
Harassment and Bullying
Lifeguarding Academy has zero tolerance for bullying or harassment, whether physical, verbal, or digital. Any incidents of harassment or bullying should be reported immediately to the administrative team for appropriate action.
Lifeguarding Academy will not tolerate:
- Discrimination, harassment, bullying or violence of any kind
- Illegal or criminal behaviour including but not limited to stealing, damaging property, or possessing illegal substances or items
- Any type of lewd behaviour or unethical conduct
- Attending the business’ premises under the influence of any substance that impairs judgement or hinders safety, whether that substance is legal or not
Disciplinary Actions
Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary actions, including verbal or written warnings, suspension from the course, or permanent dismissal. Lifeguarding Academy reserves the right to determine the appropriate consequences based on the severity of the violation.
The following behaviours will be subject to disciplinary action:
- Violate Lifeguarding Academy policy;
- Violate health and safety rules and procedures, including workplace violence or harassment;
- Act in manner that is not acceptable or ought to have reasonably been known to be unacceptable; or
- Serious behavioural concerns.